Artículos Científicos y Consejos Prácticos |
Alergia al látex
Muchos de los objetos de uso común están hechos de
látex. Se dice que hay más de 40,000 productos diferentes usados hoy en día que están fabricados con este
material... |
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Introducción en alergia alimentaria
La alergia alimentaria es un trastorno crónico frecuente que afecta a lactantes, niños, adolescentes y adultos.
La prevalencia de alergia alimentaria se ha incrementado en las últimas décadas en todo el mundo, sin limitarse a los países occidentales... |
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Comparative Assessment of Hypersensitivity
Reactions on Use of Latex and Nitrile Gloves
Among General Dental Practitioners
Latex gloves are used more frequently by dental, medical, and other health workers and their allergy... |
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A Current Overview of Latex Allergy
Latex allergy is a disease with increasing prevalence and importance and can be seen in the whole population, especially in healthcare
workers and those working in rubber production. It can lead to clinical pictures ranging from allergic urticaria to dermatitis... |
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Recomendaciones en el manejo y tratamiento del asma en la
Argentina (REMA)
El asma es una enfermedad crónica de la vía aérea prevalente en nuestro país, con
frecuente mal control. Algunos especialistas de la Asociación de Alergia e Inmunología ... |
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Sensibilização e hipersensibilidade ao látex em pacientes
pediátricos, e a importância de se instituir protocolos.
No final do século passado, produtos contendo látex foram identificados como causa
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Association Between Chronic Rhinosinusitis
and Reflux Diseases in Adults: A Systematic
Review and Meta-Analysis
Over the last few decades, reflux diseases, such as laryngopharyngeal reflux (LPR) ... |
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Society of Anesthesia and Sleep Medicine
and the Society for Obstetric Anesthesia and
Perinatology Consensus Guideline on the
Screening, Diagnosis, and Treatment of
Obstructive Sleep Apnea in Pregnancy
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Consensus Statements among European Sleep Surgery Experts
on Snoring and Obstructive Sleep Apnea: Part 1 Definitions
and Diagnosis
Seeking consensus on definitions and diagnosis of snoring and obstructive sleep ... |
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NUESTRO CONGRESO - A la brevedad más información |
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